Limnology- the study of inland freshwaters
The scientific study of the chemical, biological, geological, and physical aspects and characteristics of inland water is called Limnology. It includes the study of lakes, reservoirs, ponds, rivers, springs, streams, wetlands, and groundwater. As freshwater bodies are much smaller than oceans, there is more potential for things to go awry in them. One of the main goals of limnology is to provide guidelines for water management and pollution control. Some limnologists are also working on the construction of artificial wetlands that could serve as habitats for plant and animal species and to help in reducing water pollution. François-Alphonse was a Swiss physician who is considered the father of limnology, he coined the term ‘Limnology’ and established this field with his study of Lake Geneva. Limn means ‘lake’ and ology means the ‘the study of’. The different aspects of limnology are:
- Chemical Limnology: This aspect focuses on the cycling of various chemical substances in lakes and rivers. The chemical composition of the soil in the watershed, the atmosphere, and the composition of the riverbed or lake bottom and other factors affect the chemistry of lakes and rivers.
- Biological Limnology: it is directed at understanding the plants, animals, and microorganisms living in rivers and lakes, their distribution and adaption, their interactions and metabolism. This pattern of distribution depends on the chemical, physical and geological factors.
- Geological Limnology: this factor is focused on the formation of lakes and rivers, the drainage patterns, run offs and development of aquatic landscapes.
- Physical Limnology: it deals with the physical properties of the water, including changes in light levels, water temperatures, and water currents.
Those who study limnology are called limnologists. There are various professional organizations related to limnology such as the International Society of Limnology, Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, among others.
-Harishri Sureshbabu: 9F